Thursday, February 14, 2019


Since the blockchain is about unchanging and lasting, on the off chance that it is conceivable to run a program in a blockchain, for example, Ethereum, as opposed to a general appropriated record, we can get numerous points of interest. To begin with, you can confide in your code on Ethereum. The code that chips away at a normal server does not know precisely what is happening in the genuine server. In the event that all the code and the means to be executed are made unmistakable to the blockchain members, clients will most likely trust the administration. Second, the putaway code and information remain "nearly" forever. Consequently, it very well may be utilized as a lasting stockpiling of information that ought not to be tweaked. 
A program running in the Ethereum blockchain is known as a Decentralized Application or DApp. The Ethereum biological system is as of now the best spot to manufacture a decentralized application; it has awesome documentation and easy to use interfaces, quick improvement time, security for little applications, and the capacity for applications created on the Ethereum blockchain to effortlessly communicate with each other. Ethereum really has programming dialects, for example, Solidity and Serpent, and the program can be executed utilizing that language. Subsequent to gathering the program, it is changed over into bytecode, and there is a task code relating to the bytecode. Another intriguing thing is Turing-finished figuring ability.
Bitzon is another cryptocurrency stage that is intended to furnish online business advertise members with the advantages of current advanced advances, for example, blockchain and cryptocurrency. The venture gives quick exchange handling - from two seconds. What's more, the stage frames a merchant's notoriety rating, which enables purchasers to assess accessible contractual workers and settle on the best decision. This methodology will guarantee legit and top notch work and communication of merchants and purchasers, will limit the dangers and reject deceitful members from the framework. Additionally, an input framework is executed on the stage, which on account of the blockchain innovation ensures legit criticism about the members of the stage. Bitzon is an undertaking that plans to unite purchasers and merchants from everywhere throughout the world in one stage and offer a chance to begin and develop their business at least expenses, bypassing different mediators. Bitzon will have a basic and helpful interface, many instruments that make it conceivable to pull in countless.
Merchant Reputation System:
The network will offer a merchant reputation system that will allow buyers to evaluate available merchants and make an informed choice.
This will limit criminal activity on the network and could lead to greater transparency. This will also guarantee honest reviews from customers due to the immutability of blockchain registration.
Fast transaction processing:
Bitzon is a new cryptocurrency system designed to offer buyers and sellers the distinct benefits of blockchain technology and its digital framework. It offers fast transaction processing that only takes two seconds for transaction approvals.
Technical support of the platform will be able to resolve any difficult situations and solve all problems in real time.
There are practically no restrictions on the platform so businessmen will be able to earn income both in internal tokens of the project and in another cryptocurrency and in Fiat
Absolutely insignificant level for entry of any businessmen. Project developers are interested in everyone getting a chance to grow their business, even with a little money.
The low level of entry provides an opportunity to discover a global platform that was previously available to a limited circle of people.
Various tools and functions will be able to increase the degree of profitability and bring your business to a new level.
Token name: BTZ
Platform: Ethereum
Token price: 1 BTZ = 0.35 USD
Minimum investment: 100 USD
Tokens for sale: 800 000 000 BTZ
Payment methods: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, BTG
Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 15,000,000 USD
At Bitzon, users will be able to choose between a large number of manufacturers and find the right product. Bitzon will provide quality products on its platform and monitor the delivery of goods. The platform will ensure that each client receives the goods that he saw in the photos.
For more information, please visit:
AUTHOR: weflewrep2

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