Monday, November 16, 2020

Aiodex - Crypto Lending platform


Wеlсоmе mу dear friends. Yоur attention іѕ invited tо а unique project, People hаvе аlwауѕ sought tо earn mоrе money tо save uр fоr а vacation, а nеw car, etc. Of соurѕе wіth thе usual salary іѕ problematic tо do. Sоmе people kеер deposits іn banks аt а meagre interest, оthеrѕ аrе lооkіng fоr ways tо earn more.

Nоw thеrе аrе mаnу ways tо increase income, аnd аlmоѕt аll аrе аѕѕосіаtеd wіth investment activities. Sоmеоnе buys shares оf companies, vаrіоuѕ assets. People whо kеер uр wіth thе time, buy а cryptocurrency. Thеrе аrе methods оf earning аѕѕосіаtеd wіth high risk: thеѕе аrе financial pyramids, vаrіоuѕ lotteries, matrices fоr thоѕе whо hаvе а “talkative language”.


What are the potential use cases for DeFi?

Borrowing & Lending

Open lending protocols are one of the most popular types of applications that are part of the DeFi ecosystem. Open, decentralized borrowing and lending have many advantages over the traditional credit system. These include instant transaction settlement, the ability to collateralize digital assets, no credit checks, and potential standardization in the future.


Since these lending services are built on public blockchains, they minimize the amount of trust required and have the assurance of cryptographic verification methods. Lending marketplaces on the blockchain reduce counterparty risk, make borrowing and lending cheaper, faster, and available to more people.


Monetary banking services

As DeFi applications are, by definition, financial applications, monetary banking services are an obvious use case for them. These can include the issuance of stablecoins, mortgages, and insurance.


As the blockchain industry is maturing, there is an increased focus on the creation of stablecoins. They are a type of cryptoasset that is usually pegged to a real-world asset but can be transferred digitally with relative ease. As cryptocurrency prices can fluctuate rapidly at times, decentralized stablecoins could be adopted for everyday use as digital cash that is not issued and monitored by a central authority.


Largely because of the number of intermediaries needing to be involved, the process of getting a mortgage is expensive and time-consuming. With the use of smart contracts, underwriting and legal fees may be reduced significantly.


Insurance on the blockchain could eliminate the need for intermediaries and allow the distribution of risk between many participants. This could result in lower premiums with the same quality of service.


If you’d like to read more on the subject of blockchain and banking, we recommend reading our article How Blockchain Technology Will Impact the Banking Industry.


Decentralized Marketplaces

This category of applications can be challenging to assess, as it is the segment of DeFi that gives the most room for financial innovation.


Arguably, some of the most crucial DeFi applications are decentralized exchanges (DEXes). These platforms allow users to trade digital assets without the need for a trusted intermediary (the exchange) to hold their funds. The trades are made directly between user wallets with the help of smart contracts.


Since they require much less maintenance work, decentralized exchanges typically have lower trading fees than centralized exchanges.


Blockchain technology may also be used to issue and allow ownership of a wide range of conventional financial instruments. These applications would work in a decentralized way that cuts out custodians and eliminates single points of failure.


Security token issuance platforms, for example, may provide the tools and resources for issuers to launch tokenized securities on the blockchain with customizable parameters. 


Other projects may allow the creation of derivatives, synthetic assets, decentralized prediction markets, and many more.


Thе Idea

Thе idea оf Lending and Borrowing іѕ tо mаkе crypto investment management аvаіlаblе tо thе masses. Sоmе оf uѕ spend hours learning аnd analyzing projects but соnѕіdеrіng thе fact thаt thеrе аrе dozens оf cryptocurrency emerging еvеrу day, іt іѕ virtually impossible tо examine аll оf thеm аnd thеrе іѕ а high chance thаt уоu mіght mіѕѕ thе nеxt big project easily.

Moreover, mоѕt оf uѕ dо nоt hаvе еnоugh expertise tо scrutinize аll aspects оf а project. Yеt thеrе аrе people whо do, аnd Lending and Borrowing unique proposition іѕ tо аllоw platform users delegate thе authority tо ѕuсh people tо manage thеіr funds аnd mаkе money fоr them.

In return, thеѕе managers wіll receive а fee fоr thеіr expertise. Thе blockchain wіll provide complete transparency аnd accountability, making ѕurе thаt уоur fund manager doesn’t gеt аwау wіth уоur crypto assets.



Problem & Solution

Thе main problem іѕ thаt investing іn cryptos саn bе vеrу complicated аnd time-consuming. Mоѕt оf thе time investors lacking іn time tо dо research properly lіkе whеrе tо invest, whісh cryptocurrency іѕ thе bеѕt оnе bесаuѕе thеrе аrе 1000s оf cryptos аnd ongoing projects whісh overwhelmed thе investors.

Lending and Borrowing solves thіѕ problem оf complexity bу providing fund managers tо manage investor funds. Thіѕ platform supports non-tokenized assets bу tokenizing entire exchanges аt а time whісh support stocks, cryptos оn providing transparency, security аnd proven ROI undеr thе blockchain.


Smart Funds — It іѕ а core part оf thіѕ Lending and Borrowing platform. Thіѕ іѕ аn investing platform whеrе users саn invest bу depositing TONS token іntо thе fund. Smart Fund іѕ а TRON based smart contract system wеrе fund managers, investors аnd shares thаt саn bе traded.

A platform whеrе fund manager саn trade thе assets invested іntо thе fund whісh mаkеѕ а profit fоr bоth — fund manager аnd investors.

Cryptocurrency Trader Privacy — Lending and Borrowing іѕ providing trade security fоr fund managers whеrе fund managers саn hide thеіr strategies іn а short term аnd display іt later. If thеу reveal thеіr strategies earlier tо thе public, thеу mау gеt trouble commanding significant success-fees fоr public information.

Thеіr strategies аrе bеіng uѕеd bу оthеrѕ that’s whу thеу muѕt hide thеіr strategies.

Automatic Tokenization fоr аnу Trading Platform — In this, thе investors саn trade non-crypto assets bу uѕіng Lending and Borrowing master account. Thе master account іѕ holding stocks, options аnd аnу tradable records undеr thе smart contract-based smart escrow system.

Aiodex Tokenomics



Total - 50,000 ADX

Public sale - 20,000 ADX

Staking Farm - 20,000 ADX

Community - 10,000 ADX

Price for 1 ADX - 0.001 ETH

Min Purchase amount - 0.1 ETH

All remaining tokens from the sale and distribution to the community before December 20 will be burned.

Official resources:



Telegram Channel:


Bitcointalk Bounty :

Username: Hounoury;u=2823341

Eth: 0x578abD75231CA2b5c949D1E32F080Ece34762Ce8

Thursday, June 20, 2019


Cryptographic money trade is where digital currency resources are exchanged for fiat and the other way around. Blockchain innovation and the digital currency industry have started to have a major effect and assume a main job that prompted a noteworthy mechanical transformation and this influences pretty much every part of our lives including wellbeing, business and even scholastics, even the development anticipated from this industry is evaluated at more than $ 2 trillion out of 2020. The overall population that acknowledges the computerized money industry is the fundamental purpose behind its development and the truth of the matter is that IT will proceed to develop and lead us to a really progressive new world, an existence where there are potential outcomes unbounded. what's more, looking at this logically then you can do it

The universe of cryptographic cash can be confounding. The possibility of unregulated modernized money that exists exclusively on the PC framework and which truly holds motivations in actuality can be hard to comprehend, similar to the development behind cutting edge financial gauges, for example, Bitcoin and numerous altcoins out there today.

One thing that emerges among the most troublesome thoughts in the cypto area is more probable than the nonattendance of the likelihood of a decentralized autonomous association. DAO is another various leveled plan that is planned to work from numerous points of view by tinkering however next to being as straightforward as one may anticipate.

Using blockchain-based database innovation, DAO is an affiliation that can duplicate similar components from a conventional organization or business, yet interestingly, it won't be hampered in the organization borne by the warning gathering organization.

Taking out individuals from this movement appears to be weird to numerous individuals, which is the reason DAO buckles down to get. Truth be told, a DAO can hypothetically run itself essentially all uncertainly without messing around with individuals. Saturn Network is DAO decentralized exchange that is great with all EVM blockchain. Our central goal is to make the future progressively charming for computerized cash exchanging, where each specialist understands that he is working at an equivalent stage. Where market data can't be improved and records can't be suspended.


Saturn is a trade which is an advantageous interaction of solace and security, trading these molecules legitimately from crypto resources and giving assurances to outsiders.

Saturn was made with the point of making another market air that is fluid and ensures its security on the table.

Saturn is an Exchange Trading Platform and OTC assigned Cryptocurrency which stands on the cross chain convention. The Saturn group has plans to give P2P trade administrations to merchants, financial specialists, organizations and dealers

XSAT Token

XSAT tokens will be tokens that assume a significant job in Saturn which is allocated to Saturn's framework and plan of action. while the errand for the Saturn Team itself is to accomplish liquidity tokens, and use tokens as installment instruments that can be utilized to purchase merchandise.

This XSAT will likewise be utilized as citation resources on the accompanying Saturn administrations: trade and counter, sale and escrow exchanges.

SATURN EXCHANGE/PLATFORM TRATING WILL BE A TRADING PLATFORM among all exchanging stages. Being a piece of this incredible development is a piece of the SATURN PLATFORM.

Token Info

Token Name: SATURN

Stage Token: Ethereum

Token sort: ERC223

SoftCap: 1675 ETH

HardCap: 10,000 ETH

Authors walesodiya

Thursday, February 14, 2019


Today I will expand on another task, another stage with tremendous potential, something additional customary considered to change or make changes in the blockchain. 
Blockchain is picking up force in this day and age and in spite of all the advantage of the blockchain, there are weaknesses. The current blockchain organize accompanies huge computational overhead and low certainty, arrange structures can't deal with billions of connections that IoT gadget makes each day, Issues of a low measure of exchanges at once and costly exchange cost. The current blockchain has been tormented by every one of these issues and hugely requires a change Hence, BITZON intended to address every one of these weaknesses viably, its answer offers very adaptable highlights to sort out data got on its system.
Bitzon is another cryptocurrency stage that is intended to furnish online business advertise members with the advantages of current advanced advances, for example, blockchain and cryptocurrency. The venture gives quick exchange handling - from two seconds. What's more, the stage frames a merchant's notoriety rating, which enables purchasers to assess accessible contractual workers and settle on the best decision. This methodology will guarantee legit and top notch work and communication of merchants and purchasers, will limit the dangers and reject deceitful members from the framework. Additionally, an input framework is executed on the stage, which on account of the blockchain innovation ensures legit criticism about the members of the stage. Bitzon is an undertaking that plans to unite purchasers and merchants from everywhere throughout the world in one stage and offer a chance to begin and develop their business at least expenses, bypassing different mediators. Bitzon will have a basic and helpful interface, many instruments that make it conceivable to pull in countless.
Merchant Reputation System:
The network will offer a merchant reputation system that will allow buyers to evaluate available merchants and make an informed choice.
This will limit criminal activity on the network and could lead to greater transparency. This will also guarantee honest reviews from customers due to the immutability of blockchain registration.
Fast transaction processing:
Bitzon is a new cryptocurrency system designed to offer buyers and sellers the distinct benefits of blockchain technology and its digital framework. It offers fast transaction processing that only takes two seconds for transaction approvals.
Technical support of the platform will be able to resolve any difficult situations and solve all problems in real time.
There are practically no restrictions on the platform so businessmen will be able to earn income both in internal tokens of the project and in another cryptocurrency and in Fiat
Absolutely insignificant level for entry of any businessmen. Project developers are interested in everyone getting a chance to grow their business, even with a little money.
The low level of entry provides an opportunity to discover a global platform that was previously available to a limited circle of people.
Various tools and functions will be able to increase the degree of profitability and bring your business to a new level.
Token name: BTZ
Platform: Ethereum
Token price: 1 BTZ = 0.35 USD
Minimum investment: 100 USD
Tokens for sale: 800 000 000 BTZ
Payment methods: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, BTG
Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 15,000,000 USD
At Bitzon, users will be able to choose between a large number of manufacturers and find the right product. Bitzon will provide quality products on its platform and monitor the delivery of goods. The platform will ensure that each client receives the goods that he saw in the photos.
For more information, please visit:
AUTHOR: weflewrep2


Since the blockchain is about unchanging and lasting, on the off chance that it is conceivable to run a program in a blockchain, for example, Ethereum, as opposed to a general appropriated record, we can get numerous points of interest. To begin with, you can confide in your code on Ethereum. The code that chips away at a normal server does not know precisely what is happening in the genuine server. In the event that all the code and the means to be executed are made unmistakable to the blockchain members, clients will most likely trust the administration. Second, the putaway code and information remain "nearly" forever. Consequently, it very well may be utilized as a lasting stockpiling of information that ought not to be tweaked. 
A program running in the Ethereum blockchain is known as a Decentralized Application or DApp. The Ethereum biological system is as of now the best spot to manufacture a decentralized application; it has awesome documentation and easy to use interfaces, quick improvement time, security for little applications, and the capacity for applications created on the Ethereum blockchain to effortlessly communicate with each other. Ethereum really has programming dialects, for example, Solidity and Serpent, and the program can be executed utilizing that language. Subsequent to gathering the program, it is changed over into bytecode, and there is a task code relating to the bytecode. Another intriguing thing is Turing-finished figuring ability.
Bitzon is another cryptocurrency stage that is intended to furnish online business advertise members with the advantages of current advanced advances, for example, blockchain and cryptocurrency. The venture gives quick exchange handling - from two seconds. What's more, the stage frames a merchant's notoriety rating, which enables purchasers to assess accessible contractual workers and settle on the best decision. This methodology will guarantee legit and top notch work and communication of merchants and purchasers, will limit the dangers and reject deceitful members from the framework. Additionally, an input framework is executed on the stage, which on account of the blockchain innovation ensures legit criticism about the members of the stage. Bitzon is an undertaking that plans to unite purchasers and merchants from everywhere throughout the world in one stage and offer a chance to begin and develop their business at least expenses, bypassing different mediators. Bitzon will have a basic and helpful interface, many instruments that make it conceivable to pull in countless.
Merchant Reputation System:
The network will offer a merchant reputation system that will allow buyers to evaluate available merchants and make an informed choice.
This will limit criminal activity on the network and could lead to greater transparency. This will also guarantee honest reviews from customers due to the immutability of blockchain registration.
Fast transaction processing:
Bitzon is a new cryptocurrency system designed to offer buyers and sellers the distinct benefits of blockchain technology and its digital framework. It offers fast transaction processing that only takes two seconds for transaction approvals.
Technical support of the platform will be able to resolve any difficult situations and solve all problems in real time.
There are practically no restrictions on the platform so businessmen will be able to earn income both in internal tokens of the project and in another cryptocurrency and in Fiat
Absolutely insignificant level for entry of any businessmen. Project developers are interested in everyone getting a chance to grow their business, even with a little money.
The low level of entry provides an opportunity to discover a global platform that was previously available to a limited circle of people.
Various tools and functions will be able to increase the degree of profitability and bring your business to a new level.
Token name: BTZ
Platform: Ethereum
Token price: 1 BTZ = 0.35 USD
Minimum investment: 100 USD
Tokens for sale: 800 000 000 BTZ
Payment methods: ETH, BTC, LTC, BCH, BTG
Soft cap: 3,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 15,000,000 USD
At Bitzon, users will be able to choose between a large number of manufacturers and find the right product. Bitzon will provide quality products on its platform and monitor the delivery of goods. The platform will ensure that each client receives the goods that he saw in the photos.
For more information, please visit:
AUTHOR: weflewrep2

Tuesday, February 12, 2019


POV Chain

In business, truly understanding who your customers are and what they need makes it SO much easier to express why your products or services are the best fit for them. This concept is especially true in digital advertising. If you don’t have your targeting laser-focused, you’re going to bleed money by advertising to people who just don’t care. It won’t matter how witty your ad copy is, how gorgeous your video is, how awesome your images are, or how perfect your landing page is. You need to get it right and by so doing you need the right fit in today’s competitive environment. When you are aware of what time your audience is most likely to read tweets and Facebook posts, you would design your social media marketing around that.

This is a planet for adults with its own rules and other new levels of perception. There is a whitepaper you can download on the platform as well. And a video that describes the platform in only 20 seconds. The virtual world is moving from only being visual to becoming something that incorporates feelings, emotions and sounds. Also, the purpose of the platform is to help you monetize your content as well.

How POV Coin Virtual Reality Adult Entertainment Token Works

The POV Chain project is focused on developing an interactive and completely virtual network for anonymous transactions and cryptocurrency specialists. It’s also full of the latest products, and all if it is focused around the adult entertainment industry.
When users of the platform do their work and put their creative ideas into effect through the IT technologies, each of the people who participate can earn a profit. And through the use of the VR market, with the main goal of including POV tech and adult content as well as responsive adult toys, promotion and the prevention of the pirated copy being engages by anybody on the platform. It’s because of this, there is no point for anyone to steal anything because no one can earn any money from doing that.
The development of the new virtual programs and their ease of accessibility, as well as the anonymous cryptocurrency networks as well as gadgets for the industry, are said to catapult this platform into massive success fast.
As of now, they are developing a POV Coin platform in which everyone can earn money. The result is better monetization of the internet to generate high levels of capitalization as well as better software development and technologies within the markets.
The users of the platform will benefit from more pleasure. There are massive changes and advancements in VR happening within the adult industry. People are getting better sensations from the new technology emerging in the adult entertainment industry. There will be all kinds of content on the platform as well.
The content is also accompanied by vibrotracks that will bring the device to life while enhancing the user’s experience. The ensuing blockchain used guarantees any transactions that occur are done so in a completely transparent fashion.
Another thing that is possible is you can make your own vibrotracks. When a user makes their own, they can get cash from other users for their content. And ever service a person completes also carries with it the possibility for profit. All of the services have the opportunity to create content and new tracks released can also be released to content.
Completely up to the user who makes the track, the content is either given for free or sold for profit. When it comes to the paid content, the blockchain guarantees it will be authentic, safe and transparent.

POV Coin ICO Details

There are 16 days left until the ICO starts and you can subscribe to their newsletter on the company website, they will keep you updated on the ICO.

Who Is Behind POV Coin?

As of now they only have pictures of two different advisors, Macy Ssens and Katrin Tequilla. Both are erotic models, one is a casting manager as well and the other an adult performer. They have their social media profiles linked up as well which is a very good sign.
Telegram Group:
Author: walesodiya
Eth Address: 0xd5138067078B32BA7800b399bC77C49deaA3f2f5

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

ZEUX - Overview


Most businesses today have centralized information archives. This means that someone has control over all details stored within a company’s data records. With blockchain technology, businesses have a way to decentralize their information storage. This decentralization means no single person or entity has control over the records stored within a data directory. A decentralized database has numerous business benefits including increased efficiency, significantly improved data security, business process optimization, and potentially reduced costs.
Using blockchain technology to improve a company’s logistics strategy can have a profound impact on overall performance. A distributed ledger offers precise tracking of packages, delivery personnel, and even consumer interactions with delivery personnel. Cryptographic ledger technology makes it easier for businesses to keep track of where their shipments are going and who is involved in each step of the shipping process.
In addition to logistics and data decentralization benefits, blockchain offers a number of bonus benefits. Companies using blockchain technology can develop stronger relationships with consumers and suppliers thanks to increased trust. They can enjoy increased collaboration with business partners in a decentralized data environment. Fraudulent transactions can be minimized. Smart contracts allow companies to develop deeper peer-to-peer relationships with those in their business network. Factors as basic as business accounting can be improved thanks to proof-of-identity and supply chain controls.

Zeux is your all-in-one money manager, a next-generation solution providing a single-entry point to all of your financial product accounts. The platform will be fast, convenient, secure and reliable.

So how exactly does this all-in-one solution work? The mobile app will serve as an aggregated platform, enabling you to see and manage all of your financial accounts in one place. By linking to all of your bank accounts, you will be able to take advantage of typical digital banking services, such as NFC and contactless payments, peer-to-peer transfers and a no-fee foreign exchange. The Zeux platform will also empower users to invest in multiple products from a range of fiat and cryptocurrency providers (savings accounts, peer-to-peer lenders, robo-advisors, traditional asset managers and crypto funds) and, most importantly, be able to spend this money in your day-to-day life.

Technology & Security

    Personal Data Encryption

  • Encrypted personal data for KYC (Know Your Customer) process stored in Personal Data Vault.
  • KYC verification history stored in the blockchain using hash.
  • Private key stored in customers’ mobile and controlled by customers

  • Bank Grade Security
  • Zeux technology team has extensive industry experience in system security within financial services and in-depth knowledge in blockchain.
  • Zeux uses multi-layered state-of-the-art security measures to ensure the safety and security of its system.
  • Regulation & Compliance

  •     PSD2

    • PSD2, also known as Open Banking underpins Zeux’s key offerings.
    • It provides a regulated platform from which we can obtain customer data to process financial services.
    • The features ultimately make it easier and more convenient to initiate payments and reduce the delays for our customers.
    • FCA

      • Zeux complies with rigorous financial rules and regulations to ensure safety and security of our customers financial transactions and data.
      • Zeux is currently authorised as an EMD agent by the FCA, which gives it permissions to perform electronic money institution activities.
    • Zeux and Hedera Hashgraph Join Forces

    • President of rosid dicot genus Hashgraph, Tom Trowbridge: “Zeux is a very promising project positioned to disrupt the monetary services and therefore the crypto payments world.”
      December is in the midst of fantastic news. we've currently reached a strategic collaboration agreement with rosid dicot genus, the hashgraph primarily based company that raised associate astonishing $124,000,000 earlier this year from institutional investors.
      Hedera’s state of the art distributed ledger, that allows a wholly new category of distributed applications, is lightning quick and achieves the gold-standard in security and offers truthful group action ordering. These distinctive attributes create them a well-liked alternative, and with their promotional support and business experience, our progress here at Zeux is guaranteed to be higher with them around.
      We are providing Hedera’s client base the power to form payments with their hbar hashgraph tokens at any POS machine. This means: future hbar token holders can need to use Zeux for POS payments. this can bring associate inevitable surge in our own quality and client base.
    • AUTHOR
    • peteranh910;u=2347591
    • 0xF069a32B27Ca2C446B92A8c28A6b2955E8b335c0